
Francisco_de_Zurbarán Agnus Dei

Francisco de Zurbaran, Agnus Dei (1639) Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando

‘He was lead as a sheep to the slaughter,

and like a lamb voiceless before his shearer,

so opened he not his mouth.’  (Acts 9:32)


Behold the Lamb of God!

Behold him who takes away the sin of the world.


He hangs on the cross

battered and bruised

bloody and beaten.

A man who suffers for me

feeling pain just as I do.

His is the greatest sacrifice of all.

Like a lamb to the slaughter.


We are all like sheep

who have got lost and gone astray.

We have all done our own thing

and not always for the best.

But he was good,

that Lamb of God.

And all our sins have been piled on him.

All our sins.


This is for me.

For me.

He died for me

so that my sins could be forgiven.

All of my sins.

All forgiven.


How can I ever repay him?

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